Planting and Harvest


It is rice planting season here in Cambodia, but we are in an exciting time of harvest at In His Steps! God is stirring hearts toward himself, and and there have been 17 salvations in the past week alone! One of the ways we provide opportunities for evangelism an d discipleship at the Kairos Training Center is our ecumenical Youth Fellowship.

Youth Fellowship has two goals: to strengthen the Body of Christ in our region through building their next generation of leaders and church members, and to provide a fun and welcoming venue where teens from area churches can invite their friends to hear the Gospel. Typically, between 200-300 youth attend! 


It’s rare in this rural province to see so many in this age group congregating at a Christian event, and even rarer to find an event where nearly every part is planned, prepared, and executed by the youth themselves. With guidance from our staff, young people in our church write dramas, practice songs, plan games, help with setup and cleanup; learning servant leadership through hands-on experience.


Young people from all over the area of Saang arrive at each Youth Fellowship excited and expectant, and leave strengthened and blessed. Each time we hear stories of how encouraged the believers feel to meet fellow Christians in their region, and to see so many ways to use their gifts and talents to glorify God. Meanwhile, those who are not yet believers experience, perhaps for the first time, a positive, welcoming community and expressions of God’s love and purpose for them. Please join us in praying for those who heard the Gospel at this past week’s Youth Fellowship and chose to receive salvation!

