A Note on Holidays, and How to Use the Prayer Room Calendar
/Cambodia has many, many holidays. That may sound nice, but in reality most of them are centered around idol worship and appeasing ancestors' spirits. Holidays here are fraught with spiritual warfare, freak accidents, and family drama. For Christians, they are challenging times where believers must walk a fine line between loving and honoring family while not violating their conscience.
We've put up a prayer room calendar so that you can see at a glance what days Cambodia and especially Cambodian believers might need an extra covering of prayer. We will also add upcoming events and outreaches from time to time, because there is always a lot of spiritual warfare going on when the Enemy feels threatened by people hearing the Gospel!
To use the calendar, simply go to our Prayer Room page and hover your computer mouse over any dates that are underlined. The name of the holiday or event will appear, and if you want to learn more you can click to read additional info. You can even add the dates to your smartphone or Google calendar!