Hope, in Life and in Death

Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints. Psalm 116:15

This past Friday we received news that the father of Sokra (married to Sana), a staff member at IHSI, had passed away. Thun was a hard-working, soft-spoken man who cared about his family and was kind to his neighbors. He had a reputation for being gentle, persevering, and dedicated. At the age of 90, after witnessing war, hardship, and much change in his nation, Thun had quietly and peacefully died after a brief conversation with his wife.

As soon as we heard what had happened, staff and youth from the Church and community sprang into action, helping to work through the practical needs of the family in order to plan a funeral that would honor Thun’s memory and comfort his loved ones. Though mourning with them for their loss, we knew that for Thun this was a joyous occasion, because nearly two years ago he began attending church and made the decision to accept Jesus as his Savior. In fact, Thun was the oldest man we have ever baptized at Gospel Community Church Saang!

Traditional Khmer funerals are full of superstition, veneration of the dead, and rituals that perpetuate curses, fear, and despair. But Thun’s funeral was in a completely opposite spirit. Words of encouragement, comfort, and exhortation were offered, and beautiful hymns reminding of the Lord's faithfulness were sung, all amid a gathering of friends, family, neighbors, and many church members. Truly our God is one of hope, in both life and death!


We are blessed to see the beautiful witness of Thun’s life and death, and believe that the local community has seen a glimpse of the love of Christ in action as His Body worked together to honor Thun’s memory. Please join with us in praying for those still grieving, that God would comfort them as only He can. 


Sunday School in Saang

At our church in Saang, many of the new members have just received Christ and are learning for the very first time what it means to be part of God’s Kingdom. Many are friends and relatives of those in Sak Saum and other programs, drawn by the effective testimony of changed lives.

As more young couples and new mothers become a part of our church family, we are seeing a new generation of children in need of a solid Christian foundation. Since their parents are not yet mature in their faith, we are constantly looking for ways to minister to every part of the family unit and build it as a whole. That’s why we are so excited about our newest Sunday School program for 6-12 year olds!

Jessica and volunteers from Sak Saum are spearheading this new class, teaching simple lessons from the Bible and helping the children learn how to behave in a classroom. Fun crafts and activities reinforce their learning while teaching creativity and teamwork!

Parents and their kids are excited to have this new opportunity for learning and fun, and in our first week we had eleven children attend. We pray that each student who receives this love, care, and training would become deeply grounded in Christ. The building blocks put in place today will be the foundation of tomorrow's leaders!

​- In His Steps


Kairos Training Center: February Update


Since opening the doors of the Kairos Training Center, it has been wonderful to see the community of Saang embracing opportunities for growth and empowerment. Children are learning to read their in own language, pastors are signing up for Bible courses, young people who might otherwise be wandering their neighborhood aimlessly are being taught practical skills and the principles of service and leadership. From English students who now can study sheltered from the sun and rain, to toddlers enjoying our nursery as their mothers attend church, the Kairos Training Center offers something for everyone.

In addition to our weekly English classes, Khmer literacy training, youth group, computer skills class and worship services, a few recent highlights at the KTC include:

  • Holding our first two ecumenical Youth Fellowship events, with nearly 200 youth from local churches joining for a time of worship, prayer, learning, and fun
  • Opening our Reading Room and watching children and teens enjoy access to more books than most Cambodians see in a lifetime
  • A very special gathering of women from area churches to meet Lisa Bevere, receive one of her books in the Khmer language, and be challenged to walk out their faith in boldness and authority

The need for a multi-purpose community building like the KTC was placed in our hearts several years ago, and to see this need being met is such a blessing. We are so thankful for Pearl Alliance's faithful partnership with us in pursuing the vision God has given In His Steps for this region. Please keep the KTC and all who enter its doors in your prayers, that God would be glorified and the community of Saang would be equipped to reach this nation for Him!

Click here to download our update!​


Discipline: A Lifelong Practice


Hebrews 12:11

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

Discipline isn't easy or fun, but Scripture tells us that the results often yield wonderful fruit. It’s a practice that is applied in our work, studies, personal development and our pursuit of God. Often, though, it can be difficult to apply and maintain. The battle that happens in our minds can lead us down a path of defeat and repetitive negative cycles or it can help us choose paths that lead to victory!

There are thirteen young men in Saang that are learning to be victorious together. The idea is to start cultivating discipline through physical training. Cambodians are often not used to physical exercise. They live arduously – rural life in Cambodia is full of challenges. However, they don't usually run, lift weights or do squats – it's hot here! This committed group is learning what it means to push their bodies beyond preconceived limits and go further then what they possibly imagined. Applying discipline in small doses builds a strong, realistic foundation with attainable goals. Whether it’s doing 5 pull-ups one day and pushing out 7 the next – it’s about training their minds and bodies to persevere. Why? Because we want to see young Cambodian men finish well the most important race they will ever do – their walk with God. 

That's why the group is also responsible for memorizing and following several key principles. Together, they hold each other accountable for knowing and practicing the following:

  1. Love God, Love Others
  2. Be Honest and Have Integrity
  3. Read Your Bible Every Day
  4. Respect Each Other and Your Teachers
  5. Be On Time
  6. Be Safe
  7. Try Your Hardest
  8. Don't Speak While Someone Else Is Speaking
  9. Don't Put Down Your Brothers

There is plenty of grunting, sweating, and solemn faces but the results are satisfying and fruitful. And, at the end of each session, a sense of accomplishment settles on everyone’s faces. 

This summer we plan to add some additional teaching to strengthen body and spirit. Look for more updates to come!

Small circles!

Jumping Jack time.

Benjamin using all his strength to keep that chair up!
Benjamin using all his strength to keep that chair up!

Keep those chairs high! Don't bend your arms!

Always end with prayer.

Always end with prayer.

Stepping Up

One of IHSI's ministries is a discipleship group to the boys of Father's House and Loaves and Fish. It's a time to grow, learn, challenge each other and have fun too. In a country where virtually everyone is engrossed in Buddhism and other various beliefs, it's crucial to disciple new Christians.  

From learning Biblical values to important life skills, the Boy's Discipleship group strives to help shape the lives of young men so their foundation is strong.

Every year, we have the boys complete a project during the summer months. This summer, the project theme was kindness. One part of their project was to put together a drama and teaching for Youth Aflame (the church youth group). Each team had a leader and was responsible for ensuring their team was on board, show up for practice and make sure everyone participated. It was great seeing them rise to the occasion and communicate important lessons from the Bible using drama and teaching from the Word. Here are a few photos.

Beggar along the road


Sarak sharing the Word.

The Second Group

Getting ready for the big production

Getting ready for the big production

Jesus waiting for his entrance.

Jesus waiting for his entrance.

I'd say, what Jesus did for us on the cross if the ultimate act of kindness.

I'd say, what Jesus did for us on the cross if the ultimate act of kindness.

John sharing the lesson.