Equipping and Empowering the Next Generation


In the Western world, technology has become so ubiquitous that most of us can no longer imagine life without computers. Yet for most Cambodians, a computer is more of a mystery than a necessity. Generations have conducted business and done everything else in life without a keystroke or a double-click.

But Cambodia is changing rapidly, and the way that people do things is changing with it. Computer experience is now on par with English language skills as a key to job opportunities. It seems that every corner in Phnom Penh is touting computer classes, internet tutorials, and typing tutors. Yet for most Cambodians, the cost of a computer is more than their year's earnings, and those in rural areas rarely even see one!

We want the very best for children in our care, and know that in a changing world there are many things they must learn in order to thrive. As they express their hopes and dreams for their future, we have been looking for ways to equip them in the area of computer literacy. 

Through donations from many in the U.S., we are happy to announce that we are finally able to begin meeting this need through the installation of several computers at Father's House! This past week, Jacob and Eric have been busy finding desks, setting up hardware, and troubleshooting as we prepare for our very first computer classes for Father's House children. Not only will Father's House kids be learning computer skills, but our staff will receive more training as well. That way, they can teach others in the future when we have enough funds to set up a computer classroom for the community!

Our goal for Father's House children is to equip them to fulfill their destiny, whether as an accountant, farmer, doctor, or repairman. As they receive unconditional love from our staff, we want each child to know that they have a secure place in our hearts and God's, no matter what path in life they choose to take.

Just as we believe God's promise in Jeremiah 29:11 for hope and a good future, we believe it's our responsibility to prepare each child in our care for that future as best we can. From new computer classes and cooking lessons to homework help and Sunday School, we are committed to doing everything in our power to help them be successful at whatever their hands find to do in the future!