Pray for a Staff Member's Family

This morning the grandfather of Aly (staff member) and Channtuon (Sak Saumer/wife of Sok, who recently died of luekemia) passed away after months of health struggles following a stroke. 

Please keep this family in your prayers as they grieve yet another loss, that they would be comforted and strengthened. Also pray that God would use these difficult times to draw the remaining members of the family who are not yet Christians to Him.  

Pray for Chaim

Early this morning the elderly mother of Chaim (staff member and Loaves and Fish foster mom) passed away after weeks of convalescence.

Please join us in praying for Chaim, her siblings, and other relatives as they grieve the loss of her mother:

 - For God to comfort all who mourn

 - For the (Buddhist-style) funeral that will take place to bring as little stress and negativity as possible

- For supernatural provision, peace and strength as the family adjusts to this sad loss of a loved one 



Pray for a Grieving Family

This afternoon we learned that Sok, a young man in Sak Saum who had been diagnosed with terminal leukemia, has passed away.

Please pray for Sok's wife Channtuon, their young daughter SreyMom, his other relatives, and the community around him. We are thankful Sok is no longer suffering and is now in his eternal home, but this loss is tragic for those he leaves behind. Many hearts are grieving today; please pray with us that God would visit this family and community with peace and comfort even in the midst of sadness. 


Khmer New Year

Next week the holiday of Khmer New Year is coming: a time of visiting family, dancing and playing games but also known for drunkeness, theft, gambling, and idolatry. 

Please pray: 

- For safety for all staff, church members, and individuals in our programs

- That Christians, especially new believers and young people, would make wise choices about where they go and what they do during this holiday, and not feel helpless against negative peer pressure

- That as they honor God with their choices they would model alternative ways to have fun that don't involve irresponsible behavior 

- That when the holiday comes to a close, people would not find themselves depressed or confused (as is often the case), but rather that there would be clear thinking and peace.

Thanks so much!

- the IHSI team


Pray for Quick Resolution

Please take a moment right now to pray with us for a quick and violence-free resolution to a developing dispute in a staff member's family, there have been many salvations recently and an unbelieving relative is enraged that his sisters and daughters did not take part in an ancestor worship ritual today. The situation has already been escalating but we pray that it will go no further, and even for breakthrough in this bitter and volatile man's heart. We do not wrestle with flesh and blood but with the Enemy who seeks to steal, kill, and destroy the work of God in this family!


Happy World Down Syndrome Day!

Today us World Down Syndrome Day, but here in Cambodia not only is this holiday unknown but those Cambodians who live with Down Syndrome are marginalized and misunderstood.  Due to lack of education, people often label them as "crazy" and assume that they have bad karma from a past life. What a terrible stigma! 

Please join us praying: 

- That Cambodians would be educated to understand that a chromosomal disorder does not equal "crazy", and learn to view persons with Down Syndrome as equally valuable members of society

- That parents of Down Syndrome children would receive support, education, and compassion to help them build their family strong even in the face of unique challenges

- That Cambodians with Down Syndrome would find individuals and churches who love them, include them, and see them the way their Creator sees them! 

Pray for "Tha"

Tha is an elderly man who has been a church member for over one year. He is blind and has severe arthritis, making his daily life difficult. His wife and children live separately from him and other than taking care of some of his basic needs they try to avoid interaction with him.

Tha enjoys coming to church and resting in the peaceful atmosphere. He also likes receiving visits and can become quite a chatterbox when people take the time to listen!

Pray for Tha: 

- That he would grow in his relationship with God and continue to be transformed by the renewing of his mind

- That his physical discomfort would be eased

- That God would soften his family's hearts

- That Tha would feel encouraged and valued

Pray for Heem

A tuktuk driver who often drives for Ginny lost his wife this weekend. Her health had been failing for years, but no matter how expected, the death of a family member is always shocking and unbelievably painful. We thank God that Heem's wife shared his Christian faith, and that she is no longer suffering, but our hearts are grieving with Heem and his three young children. Please keep them in your prayers as they navigate through this confusing and difficult time, that they would find strength and comfort in Christ.

Pray for the Hansons' Travels

Our directors Eric and Ginny Hanson have a hectic schedule, especially as they juggle trips to Thailand, Singapore, and the U.S.  over the next few weeks, while also hosting a short-term team as well! Please pray that all their traveling would be safe, hassle-free, and productive. And also pray that in the midst of all the busyness that they somehow find time to rest and receive refreshing!

Pray for Our Neighbors

There is a woman who lives near our Center who has been wanting to come to church but experiences oppression and sickness whenever she tries to come. We know that the Enemy wants to obstruct God's plans for her life! Our staff have had some exciting conversations with her recently and believe she is on the edge of a spiritual breakthrough.


- That nothing would be able to hinder her from coming to church any longer

- That God would continue to reveal Himself and she would receive salvation

- That more and more of our neighbors would come to church and come to know God

Pray for "Om"

Please pray for an older woman who attended church for the first time yesterday. After going to the altar during a prayer time and seeing the power of God bringing healing and deliverance to many, she was inspired to cut off her magic charms that she wears for her health and says she believes God can meet her need better than those amulets! Pray for her salvation and that she would experience in miraculous ways God's healing and love.

Pray for Safety and Peace

The US Embassy is warning that certain areas of Phnom Penh may experience large numbers of people flooding in for a public forum that has not been approved by the government. This kind of situation has the potential for violent conflict. Please pray that people would make wise choices, that there would be no violence, and that God would resolve the political turmoil of this past year in a way that glorifies Him and accomplishes His purposes.

Pray for The Education System in Cambodia

Over the next two days many schoolteachers nationwide will be meeting to prepare for March final exams for all high school students. Exam-time is rife with corruption perpetuated by underpaid teachers trying to earn extra cash and desperate students trying to pass a test that they are not adequately prepared for. 

Please pray: 

- That during these two day meetings the issue of cheating would be addressed in a wise and change-effective manner

- That God would convict individual hearts (both in students and teachers!) that cheating is a negative and detrimental approach to learning and testing

- That Christian students would not join in with this "normal"  behavior, but rather set an example of integrity, and that as they do so that they would excel!